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InsightCCED #DYK: It's estimated that $100 in CA is valued at $88.97? @taxfoundation "The Real Value of $100" #economicsecurity 08-10-16
InsightCCED RT @AnnePriceICCED: #economicsecurity for all! We must change the ways institutions operate & challenge inequities at their root. @InsightC… 08-10-16
InsightCCED RT @AnnePriceICCED: We owe all Americans the opportunity to earn a decent living & support a dignified life. #racialwealthgap #economicsecu… 08-08-16
InsightCCED RT @AnnePriceICCED: Challenge current power structures so that everyone can fully participate in the economy #economicsecurity #racialwealt… 08-01-16

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Jul 25, 2012

Older And More Diverse: America's Multicultural Future Is Approaching Fast, But Are We Ready?

David Thigpen, The Huffington Post.

Elders are revered for their experience and wisdom in many cultures around the globe, but here in America where our civic, media and business cultures worship at the fountain of youth, elders are seen in quite a different light. Age is frequently seen as a disadvantage. Despite a wealth of experience, many men and women over the age of 65 face discrimination in the workplace and society at large. On the streets of our cities and towns elders are conspicuous yet invisible, often dismissed as has-beens whose productivity and contributions have long ago receded.

Read the Op Ed.