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InsightCCED #DYK: It's estimated that $100 in CA is valued at $88.97? @taxfoundation "The Real Value of $100" #economicsecurity 08-10-16
InsightCCED RT @AnnePriceICCED: #economicsecurity for all! We must change the ways institutions operate & challenge inequities at their root. @InsightC… 08-10-16
InsightCCED RT @AnnePriceICCED: We owe all Americans the opportunity to earn a decent living & support a dignified life. #racialwealthgap #economicsecu… 08-08-16
InsightCCED RT @AnnePriceICCED: Challenge current power structures so that everyone can fully participate in the economy #economicsecurity #racialwealt… 08-01-16

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Feb 27, 2014

NEW DATA: Recession Pushes Adult Children Home - Older Parents Pay

Californians anticipating an empty nest in their golden years are now faced with a rocky reality: The Great Recession and its jobless recovery have forced many adult children home, increasing household expenses by 50 percent or more, according to a new study by the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research and the Insight Center for Community Economic Development.

Read the Press Release.

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